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General iShipNet functions

Userlist search mechanism

Users of iShipNet are divided in 2 categories and can be found seperately in 2 userlists according to their registration selection.

One userlist contains all the Companies registered with iShipNet and the other userlist contains all the Individuals (persons) registered with iShipnet. Searching for Companies or Individuals according to lots of other options that follow each one of these 2 selections must be detailed so that the search results comply the most with your search criteria.

This is why iShipNet's search mechanism has 2 fields for any of the search criteria. The one field tells the mechanism how to search and the other one is for inserting your keyword.

For example...

If we search for a Company by it's name, we can select one of the following search options...

  1. is exactly: We know the exact name of the company and we write it in the corresponding field. By saying "exact name" we mean the name that this Company used to register with iShipNet.
  2. contains phrase: We do not know the exact name but we remember only a part of it and this is what we write in the corresponding field. (sugested to use this option)
  3. contains all of: We remember some parts of the company name. These parts are filled in the corresponding search field.
  4. contains any of: We supply the words that exist in the company name and we will get all the companies that have these words in their company name.

The above selections can also be used as exclusions for our search by selecting one of the following...

  1. is exactly not
  2. doesn't contain phrase
  3. doesn't contain all of
  4. doesn't contain any of

iShipNet search mechanism supports detailed combination of search criteria! Let's say that we are searching for a ship broking company that is not located in Singapure or Slovenia and they have S&P as their main activity. In this case our search criteria will be filled like this...

companies search01

This might seem a bit complicated the first time that someone uses it but it is not. It is pure logic!


Mailbox service

Mailbox is one of the most important functions of iShpNet.

It s the tool to communicate with other users. You can access your own Mailbox through the main menu / Account / View your Mailbox.

There you can view and control all your sent and received messages or create a new Private Message to send to a user.

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